Our Collaborations and Partnerships

We are proud to have worked with many inspiring schools and settings from a range of sectors across the UK. Here is a selection of recent early prevention projects and case studies.

We have developed a number of large scale social impact programmes to prevent mental health problems in children and young people, through both direct wellbeing interventions and workforce development to increase the capacity and capability of the children’s workforce. We have collaborated on targeted interventions for young people at risk of developing mental health problems in a range of settings.

Below are details of just some of the organisations we have partnered with, and the projects we have collaborated on.

Coach Training, NEET prevention with Shaw Trust, London, Norfok and Gloucester

Providing Coach Training for practitioners across three teams in Shaw Trust based on projects in London, Gloucestershire and Norfolk. The aim is to support the prevention of vulnerable young people becoming NEET across a range of nattional youth NEET prevention programmes.

Sure Trust

Wellbeing Ambassadors: Three Years of Impact at The King's School Chester

This case study explores the impact of the programme in their school, the benefits to the students who were trained as Ambassadors, to the wider school community and to Lee Parkes, Deputy Head of 6th Form and Leader of the programme, whom they refer to as Mental Fitness Ambassadors.

The King's School Chester

Wellbeing Curriculum Design, Singapore

Worked in partnership with the Qunatedge Foundation to support the development of a new non-profit Forte 360 to run positive education programmes with the aim to develop the wellbeing of socially disadvantaged children in Singapore. Provided consultancy to develop a practical wellbeing curriculum framework.

Forte 360
Quantage Foundation

Training Coaches to Support Care Leavers, Swansea

Trained a team of 6 Coaches from Swansea Barnardos to support vulnerable young people leaving care and prevent homelessness for young people in Swansea.


Wellbeing Ambassadors Across TKAT Trust, Kent

Funded by Sam West Foundation we are working in partnership with TKAT Multi Academy Trust in Kent to provide our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme to 13 Secondary and Primary schools within the trust for two years.

Sam West Foundation
TKAT Multi Academy Trust

Wellbeing Ambassadors - Peer Mentors for Year 7 Transition

Dame Alice Owen’s school in Hertfordshire, trained 70 Sixth Form students to be peer mentors and support year seven with the transition to secondary school and prevent mental health issues. Their Wellbeing Ambassadors programme has had a huge impact in supporting students to belong at school.

Dame Alice Owen's School

Oxford University Outreach Workshops

We delivered our resilience skills workshop to year 11 students in partnership with study higher and Oxford University. The workshop was delivered to several secondary schools at an online raising aspiration day. This event was part of a universities outreach programme, which aims to support children through school and into higher education across Oxfordshire and Wiltshire.

Oxford University
Study Higher

Youth Offending Service Coaching Skills Training, Enfield

Delivered our two day online Positive Psychology Coaching skills training for the Youth Offending Service team of 25 staff at Enfield Council. The practical and tool-based training enabled the YOS team to integrate coaching skills into their practice and to build on their trauma-informed approach to supporting young people in the criminal justice system.

Enfield Council

Primary School Wellbeing and Positive Education

Anne Marie Knowles, headteacher and senior mental health lead at Hazlehurst primary school in Bury, Greater Manchester – and one of Wellbeing Club’s founding members – shares how being a member and using our training and recourses have helped them to how there are provide their own early prevention provision.

Hazlehurst Community Primary

Now and Beyond Festival of Mental Health

Worth-it are really excited to be taking part in this year’s national mental health and wellbeing festival, Now and Beyond on Inside Out Day. It’s a one-day event, held during Children’s Mental Health Week on 9th February. The festival is organised by the charity, Beyond, which formed in 2018 to support mental health and wellness in educational settings. As part of the festival, you’ll be able to access FREE wellbeing resources developed by Worth-it.

Now and Beyond

Supporting Young Carer Mental Wellbeing - Warwickshire Young Carers

We are currently working in partnership with Warwickshire Young Carers to provide a programme of coaching for young carers to support their supports the mental wellbeing and resilience of young carers. We have been providing coaching and group work support to young carers since 2019.

Warwickshire Young Carers

Coaching for Young Carers, My Time - Dorset

Currently working in partnership with My Time Young Carers to provide 1-2-1 online coaching sessions as part of their level up programme for young carers in Dorset.

My Time Young Carers

Borough wide School and College Wellbeing Training, St Helens

Working in partnership with St Helens Core Commissioning Group, in partnership with St Helens Local Authority and the Department for Education, to deliver bespoke training programme to support the wellbeing of children and young people in the St Helens school and college community.

55 schools in St Helens – primary, secondary and FE colleges – were provided with a wellbeing toolkit including an online programme where participating members of staff can access a 5-hour online programme where they’ll learn more strategies for teaching wellbeing plus tips and ideas for embedding it as a consistent approach to supporting pupils mental health and wellbeing in their school or college.

St Helens Local Authority
St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group

Training a Team of Youth Coaches for Early Intervention, South Wales

The mental health and social change charity, Platfform, commissioned to deliver coach training to their staff in Autumn last year (2021). We trained a group of 12 Platfform team members over 8 weeks and have recently spoken with Sarah Hamilton, Young Person’s Project Manager at Platfform, to find out how the coach training has impacted the work they do.


Raising Aspirations - Humber Outreach Programme

Worked in partnership with The University of Hull and the Humber Outreach Programme to provide resilience workshops for secondary schools and school staff training and CPD on how to support pupil and parent resilience and wellbeing. Developed tailored support packages of training and intervention for 12 secondary schools across North Yorkshire, the Humber and North Lincolnshire.

Humber Outreach Programme
University of Hull

The Diana Award Resilience Workshops

We are very proud to say that one of our team, Claire Harrison, represented us as a Volunteer Judge at the Diana Award 2020. An award that is awarded to outstanding young people who selflessly create and sustain positive social change. This resulted in us delivering Wellbeing and Resilience workshops with the Diana Award youth champions.

The Diana Award

Primary Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop Example

This example explores the impact of our Wellbeing and Resilience Workshops with children at Caldecote Primary in Leicester City. These workshops have been have been delivered as an ongoing mini programme of targeted prevention over the past two years.

Caldecote Primary School

Wellbeing CPD for Student Teachers - University of Nottingham

We provide annual workshops to student teachers on the University of Nottingham PGCE program, supporting them gain strategies to develop their own wellbeing as well as support pupil wellbeing with classroom strategies for both primary and secondary stages.

University of Nottingham

Young Person's Voice Consultancy, Tameside and Glossop

Worked in partnership with both Tameside and Glossop CCG and Tameside Metropolitan Borough council to provide young person's voice workshops and ongoing support to help with the development of a community based early intervention and prevention service designed and procured by local young people.

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

Wellbeing Ambassador Programme Impact Rainey Endowed School, Northern Ireland

Rainey Endowed School is a secondary school based in Northern Ireland. Our Wellbeing Ambassadors programme was delivered in house. This example highlights how the programme supported students to improve wellbeing even during lockdown.

 Rainey Endowed Grammar School, Northern Ireland

Whole School Mental Health and Wellbeing - ARH Primary, Leicester

In 2017, Carla Lawes, the Assistant Head and Senior Mental Health Lead at Alderman Richard Hallam Primary attended a training course that was the basis for our Wellbeing Club. Since then, they have consistently built and embedded their whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. Improving attainment, attendance and behaviour as well as improving staff wellbeing.

Alderman Richard Hallam Primary, Leicester
West Leicestershire CCG

Healthwatch Dorset - Young Person's Voice

Worked in partnership with Healthwatch Dorset to provide training workshops for their young person's voice to help with the improvement of access to mental health services for young people.

Healthwatch Dorset

Staff Wellbeing Strategies for Nurses and Health Visitors - CLCH Academy, London

In partnership with CLCH Academy providing a bespoke programme of workshops to Public Health Nurses and Health Visitors to help them develop strengths based strategies for wellbeing. The aim of these sessions is to support front line practitioners gain strategies to effectively manage wellbeing using applied Positive Psychology Interventions.

CLCH Academy, London

Cross Curricular Approach to School Wellbeing, Leicester

In 2017, the Leicester based Odyssey Educational Trust set out to integrate wellbeing and resilience into their junior and infant schools. Their aim, to develop the mental health of their staff and pupils. Since then, by implementing focussed policies and projects, the trust has successfully embedded wellbeing and resilience into their ethos, culture and curriculum.

Odyssey Educational Trust
West Leicestershire CCG

Early Crime Prevention by Building Positive Peer Relationships - Stoke City Council Youth Offending Team

In partnership with Stoke City Council YOT we delivered our Wellbeing Ambassadors programme in two secondary schools. The project empowered groups of students to lead peer-to-peer support projects that built school belonging and connection to provide early crime prevention to vulnerable young people in the community.

Stoke City Council Youth Offending Team

Secondary School Student Resilience Curriculum

In collaboration with Worth-it since 2017, Lutterworth High has been developing and embedding a school-wide approach to resilience and positive mental health. With the help of our consultancy and training, Lutterworth High has restructured its student support services, up skilled pastoral staff, and the wider staff team, and embedded strategies for resilience through policy, processes, and the curriculum.

Lutterworth High
West Leicestershire CCG

Early Intervention and Prevention - Kids Inspire, Essex

Working in partnership with Kids Inspire between 2016 and 2019, we provided a group work personal development coaching programme that provided practical early prevention for mental health problems. We trained a group of Kids Inspire Coaches to run our FIRST coaching programme for young people in central Essex.

Kids Inspire

Resilience Workshops - National Citizenship Service & Ingeus, Essex

In partnership with Ingeus, we delivered practical resilience workshops to young people on National Citizenship Programmes in Essex.

National Citizenship Service
Ingeus, Essex

School and Family Wellbeing - Oval Learning Trust, NW Leicestershire

The Oval Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust of five small rural primary schools in North West Leicestershire. Funded by Leicestershire County Council’s Shires grant, Worth-it provided training and support to develop a trust wide approach to developing sustainable wellbeing that positively impacts the family and community.

Oval Learning Trust
Leicestershire County Council

Celebration of Health & Wellbeing for Young People - Future Active, South Leicestershire

As part of an event funded by the Learning South Leicestershire Secondary Headteacher forum, each South Leicestershire Secondary school brought their year 10 pupils to celebrate Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing. During this event, Worth-it worked with Leicestershire Nutrition and Diet Service and the Learning South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership to provide workshops on mental wellbeing and resilience.

Future Active, South Leicestershire

Targeted Early Prevention for Cared For Young People - The Children's Society, Essex

As part of an innovative coaching programme for young people in care and with a range of risk factors, Worth-it trained the Essex early prevention team at The Children’s Society in our coaching at risk young people training. This was part of their 'Inside Out' Coaching programme.

The Children's Society

Mental Health Champions - York School Wellbeing Service

The City of York Council commissioned Worth-it Positive Education CIC to work in partnership with the School Wellbeing Service to develop a peer support programme, to provide young person led early intervention and prevention within different settings including schools and colleges. This project was known as Mental Health Champions (MHC) and was developed and delivered in schools across York.

York School Wellbeing Service
The City of York Council

NEET Prevention - Form the Future, Cambridge

In partnership with Form the Future, a company that increases employment opportunities for young people and prevents young people becoming NEET, Worth-it provided a mix of face-to-face and online training in mentoring skills and how to build resilience in young people to all business mentors. This was part of Form the Future’s school mentoring scheme which ran for two years, until the project ended.

Form the Future, Cambridge

Resilience Coaching to Support Homelessness Prevention - P3

Worth-it provided training in ‘Coaching for Resilience’ to a national team of support staff from P3. This provided the team with skills that allows them to use a coaching approach to build service user resilience and help prevent them becoming homeless.


Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme - Train-the-trainer

In 2018, Worth-it Positive Education CIC was commissioned to develop and deliver a train the trainer programme of our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme in partnership with Bedford Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and local schools. Key members of staff, such as CAMHS school link and early help team from the local authority, were trained to train peer mentors within schools.

Bedford Borough Council
East London NHS Foundation Trust
Central Bedfordshire Council

Whole School Resilience - Consortium, Leicester City and Leicestershire

Funded by West Leicestershire CCG and as part of the Future in mind children's mental health transformation plan, Worth-it lead a programme that helped build a whole school approach to resilience for 20 schools in Leicestershire and Leicester City. The project involved: training for teachers, a child voice survey and focus groups, and a toolkit of resilience and wellbeing resources for schools.

West Leicestershire CCG
Leicestershire County Council
School Development Support Agency

Wellbeing CPD for Student Teachers - University of Warwick

We provided a student teacher wellbeing workshop to Early Years and Primary stage student teachers during the preparing for the NQT year conference. This session introduced them to strategies to support their own wellbeing as they started their career in teaching.

University of Warwick

Coaching for Young Carers - Charnwood & NW Leicestershire

Funded by Charnwood Borough Council and NW Leicestershire District Council early help grant, we provided a programme of six 1-to-1 coaching sessions for young carers aged 13-19. These focusses on their confidence, responsibilities, communication and expressing their feelings. We delivered 45 coaching sessions to 15 young carers, resulting in decreased symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety as well as improved positive behaviour.

NW Leicestershire

School Wellbeing Early Intervention Programme - Calderdale

As part of the Calderdale Wellbeing Project, Worth-it delivered multi school training to increase capacity within schools to improve mental wellbeing and prevent mental health problems. We also intensively supported several Calderdale secondary schools develop whole school wellbeing.


Young People's Emotional Wellbeing Support - Leicestershire

Funded by West Leicestershire CCG, we ran our First programme for young people in the communities of Charnwood and NW Leicestershire. An emotional wellbeing programme for young people, we delivered our FIRST programme 6 times between 2014 and 2016, supporting 60 young people who were struggling with poor emotional health and wellbeing.

West Leicestershire CCG

Children's Workforce Development Training - Healthy Schools, Leicestershire

In partnership with Leicestershire County Council Public Health and Leicestershire Healthy Schools, we delivered our workforce development training to the children and young people’s tier 1 workforce for three years. The training increased the workforce’s capacity to improve the wellbeing and resilience of children and young people across Leicestershire.

Healthy Schools, Leicestershire

Crime and ASB prevention - Leicestershire Police Crime Commissioner & Go-Getta, Charnwood

With the aim of preventing and diverting young people from offending, reducing crime and anti-social behavior (ASB), the objective of Worth-it’s commission was to help young people to change their thinking and behavior and to positively impact on the home environment, creating whole family change.

Worth-it worked in partnership with youth work organisation Go-Getta CIC through the Leicestershire PCC Grant 2015/16-2016/17 for interventions that pro-actively reduce anti-social behaviour in designated locations in Charnwood.

Go-Getta, Charnwood
Leicestershire Police Crime Commissioner

Coaching Outreach - Leicestershire

We delivered 1-to-1 coaching to 21 young people in Charnwood, Leicestershire, providing targeted wellbeing support in schools and the community to young people struggling with poor mental health and wellbeing. The support helped them to engage more in school and access support for their mental health

NW Leicestershire