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Empower Children and Young People to Support Peer Wellbeing

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme develops a child or young person-led mental health support programme in your school or setting.

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Worth-it wellbeing ambassadors badge

Introducing Wellbeing Ambassadors

Our peer support programme for children or young people equips them to be Wellbeing Ambassadors within their school or setting.
The Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme establishes and supports an empowered team of children or young people to become
leaders of wellbeing and mental health initiatives for their peers.

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Wellbeing Ambassador Resources

A Complete Programme Facilitation Toolkit

  • Our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme provides your school or setting with 3 years* access to a complete programme delivery resource toolkit and ongoing support.

  • This will enable YOU to train cohorts of children or young people to become Wellbeing Ambassadors in your school or setting, year after year.

  • JOIN NOW and you will be provided with everything you need to deliver our practical and engaging Wellbeing Ambassadors training workshop for children or young people.

  • You will gain online access to all the materials, resources and ongoing support you need to run the Wellbeing Ambassadors programme in your school or setting.

Join Now

*3 years access for 2 members of staff

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Does this sound familiar?

  • You are worried about the mental health and wellbeing of children or young people in your school or setting.

  • The young people and children you support are experiencing poor mental wellbeing; they are worried and stressed and don’t know how to use strategies that support their own wellbeing.

  • Young people in your school or setting do not know how to gain support for their mental health and wellbeing. There may be stigma in accessing support or a lack of awareness about the support available to them.

  • You want to provide a safe and effective course, workshop or a programme for children or young people that enables them to support peer mental health.

  • You want children or young people in your school or setting to provide peer support, peer mentoring or wellbeing campaigns but don't know where to start or what to include.

  • You have a lack of capacity or time to develop your own programme that enables young people to provide peer to peer wellbeing support.

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The Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme …

Supports Peers

Providing structured and safe training to children and young people enables them to provide peer support, such as informal mentoring, buddying or support groups.

Reduces Barriers

Empowering young people and children to develop ways to enable peers to seek help, improving access to mental health support in your school or setting.

Encourages Self-Help

Training young people and children to use and share evidence-informed, self-help tools, strategies and techniques with individuals, groups of peers or across the school or setting.

Helps Manage Stress

Supporting young people to gain and share strategies that provide positive ways to help manage and reduce student and peer stress.

Tackles Stigma

Through the development of voice led approaches to reducing mental health stigma in your school or setting, this includes running mental health and wellbeing campaigns.

Develops Belonging

By developing communication and relationship skills, children and young people will provide support that builds connection and belonging essential for peer wellbeing.

Wellbeing Ambassador Resources

Wellbeing Ambassadors
Primary Programme

The key component of the Wellbeing Ambassadors Primary Programme is the practical and engaging workshop for primary-aged children 6 to 11 years old. This 3-hour workshop has been developed to support children gain the skills and knowledge required to support their peers share evidence-based strategies for wellbeing. You can plan to deliver the programme over half a school day or as a series of shorter workshops.

Watch video  ▶

Your children will...

  • Develop understanding of what wellbeing is and how to provide wellbeing support to peers.

  • Understand and develop the interpersonal and communication skills required to be a supportive Wellbeing Ambassador.

  • Gain skills to develop positive relationships that are essential for peer wellbeing programmes, including sharing wellbeing strategies.

  • Discover practical ways to effectively develop confidence and wellbeing in themselves and others.

  • Explore positive coping strategies and discover ways to help and support peers.

  • Develop ways to support children access to mental health and wellbeing support in their setting.

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This workshop has been designed for cohorts of 12-16 children between the ages of 6-11 who have been identified or recruited by the school or setting to become Wellbeing Ambassadors. They could be the same age or a mixture of ages. All the materials to deliver this workshop yourself are included in the Wellbeing Ambassadors programme.

Wellbeing Ambassadors resources

Wellbeing Ambassadors

The key component of the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme is the practical and engaging workshop for young people. This 5-hour workshop has been developed to support young people gain the coaching skills and knowledge required to support their peers in ways that they identify as important and suitable to improve mental health. You can plan to deliver the programme over one school day or as a series of shorter workshops.

Watch video  ▶

Your young people will...

  • Develop understanding of what wellbeing is and how to provide wellbeing support to peers.

  • Understand and develop the interpersonal and communication skills required to be a supportive Wellbeing Ambassador.

  • Gain skills to develop positive relationships that are essential for peer wellbeing programmes, including mentoring and running initiatives and campaigns.

  • Discover practical ways to effectively manage stress in themselves and others.

  • Explore coping strategies and discover ways to cultivate positive coping for peers.

  • Develop ways to reduce mental health stigma in their setting.

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This workshop has been designed for cohorts of 12-16 young people aged 13+, who have been identified or recruited by the school or setting to become Wellbeing Ambassadors. They could be the same age or a mixture of ages. All the materials to deliver this workshop yourself are included in the Wellbeing Ambassadors programme.

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Wellbeing Ambassador Facilitators are trained and supported in 4 ways

Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme modular 2.5-hour online course for facilitators. This course provides access for two members of staff to gain the skills and knowledge required to deliver the Wellbeing Ambassadors Workshop and ongoing programme with young people.

The Facilitator Course covers:

Getting Started

  • The underpinning approach and method using coaching skills to support and empower a team of young people to become Wellbeing Ambassadors.

  • How to get the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme started, including recruiting young people to become the Ambassadors.

  • How to promote the programme to ensure it is a success in your school or setting.

  • How to get buy-in and support from your colleagues to make the programme an embedded part of your culture.

Wellbeing Ambassadors on a laptop

Follow Up

  • How to follow up with your group of Ambassadors.

  • How to maintain momentum and progress.

  • How to embed the course into your school or setting.

Workshop Delivery and Facilitation

  • How to plan the delivery of your Wellbeing Ambassadors Training Workshop with children or young people.

  • Extensive Facilitators instruction manual, with detailed explanations of how to deliver the workshop activities.

Wellbeing Ambassador Resources

The Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme differentiated toolkits contain downloadable materials and resources to support the effective delivery of the programme in different schools or settings.

Programme Ambassadors Toolkit includes:

  • Recruitment application form and personal profile

  • Promotional Wellbeing Ambassador posters

  • Parental consent form example

  • Workshop attendance certificates for the Wellbeing Ambassadors

  • Follow up meeting and progress log templates

  • Discount to buy hardcopy workbooks

Wellbeing Ambassador Resources

Young People’s Ambassador Programme includes

  • Printable 24 page Wellbeing Ambassadors workbook for teenagers and young people. Print as many copies as you need to run the programme in your school or setting.

  • Wellbeing Ambassadors Workshop Powerpoint presentation

  • Workshop activity downloads and coaching skills building activities

Wellbeing Ambassadors resources

Primary Ambassadors Programme includes:

  • Printable 12 page Children’s Wellbeing Ambassador workbook. Print as many copies as you need to run the programme in your school or setting.

  • Children’s wellbeing Ambassadors Workshop Powerpoint presentation

  • Recommended mental health and wellbeing videos

  • Wellbeing activity downloads and additional resources to adapt the programme for children aged 6-11

Wellbeing Ambassador Resources

Three years of support, encouragement, troubleshooting and motivation to ensure your programme becomes embedded in your school or setting!

The Support includes:

  • Your 3-year programme access enables two members of staff from your school or setting to attend termly online mentoring Q&A calls.

  • Sessions are held every half term, or send your questions in to be answered in our online Q&A sessions.

  • These practical sessions with our team of consultants provide a valuable opportunity to ask questions and gain mentoring and guidance.

  • You will be able to discuss your plans, trouble-shoot any problems, overcome barriers to implementation and gain peer support from other facilitators in schools and settings.

  • Join the 3-year programme and you will be able to gain support as your school or setting’s programme evolves and becomes embedded over 3 years.

  • 3-year programme gives access to any updates to course materials based on changes to government recommendations or research.

  • If your facilitators change during the three years we can easily swap access details with the click of a button.

Wellbeing Ambassadors on a laptop

Gain access and contribute to our inspiring library of effective practises from other schools and settings.

Practical Examples:

  • Practice examples provide a valuable opportunity to learn from other schools or settings delivering the programme.

  • Your 3-year programme access enables two members of staff from your school or setting to access or contribute to our library of practice examples.

  • You and/or your group of Ambassadors can share the impact they have made to the school or setting through taking part in Spotlight Sessions, making a valuable contribution to the library of examples.

  • Use the ideas from practice examples to inspire your team of Ambassadors as they develop their own peer support wellbeing initiatives.

  • Join the 3-year programme and you will be able to review examples and show case your practice at any time.

  • Keep us updated as your programme evolves in your school or setting and becomes an integral part of your school/setting’s culture and ethos.

  • Participating in practice examples can be used as evidence for any school mental health and wellbeing award you may be completing.

Wellbeing Ambassadors on a laptop
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What Will I Learn?

Wellbeing Ambassadors: Online Train the Trainer Course

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Background Information

Module 3: Getting Started

Module 4: Workshop Delivery

Module 5: Follow Up

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How Wellbeing Ambassadors Provide Support in their Settings

There are many amazing examples of wellbeing initiatives that have been led by young people in their schools or settings. These include:

Mental Health and
Wellbeing Campaigns

Raising awareness of how to gain support for mental health and develop strategies for wellbeing, including posters, displays and assemblies.

Peer Mentoring

Using the communication and relationships gained through the programme to provide mentoring or buddying relationships with younger peers.

Mental Health Champions

Champion mental health and wellbeing strategies in the school or setting that help increase access to early help and prevent the onset of mental health problems.

Year 7 Transition

Raising awareness of how to gain support for mental health and develop strategies for wellbeing, including posters, displays and assemblies.

Fund Raising

Using the communication and relationships gained through the programme to provide mentoring or buddying relationships with younger peers.

Positive Relationships

Developing and leading informal pop-up groups or lunch time clubs to help young people build belonging and connection at school.

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Delivering Wellbeing Support to Schools and Settings Nationwide

TKAT Multi Academy Trust
Sam West Foundation
Bridgend Council
Enfield Council
Dame Alice Owen's School
Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy
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Wellbeing Ambassador Testimonials

Hathaway academy logo
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you on behalf of the Sixth Form council and from me personally. The Wellbeing Ambasadors Programme was absolutely fabulous and so informative, it has truly helped us to start the process in reducing the stigma of mental health, creating workshops for stress coping mechanisms and just getting people to talk about mental health, illness and wellbeing. This is hopefully the start in a fascinating  journey to improving the support for the students and creating a safe environment for students to learn in. We have talked about it non-stop and have already started getting our proposal into motion to create this new peer support system. Thank you again.”

Kieran Smith and the Sixth Form Council, Hathaway Academy Essex

King's School Chester
“Our Mental Fitness Ambassadors (MFAs) feature in our tiered intervention policy, as part of our safeguarding of Mental Health, and the SEMH that we do. We like to say we put that preventative element in [with the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme] … So they [MFAs] are built into our processes… I talk to them about them being our first line of defence, and our first line of defence is prevention.”

Lee Parkes, Deputy Head 6th Form, The King’s School Chester

Dame Alice Owen School Logo
“The training materials were so amazing.  I ran the training day using your materials three times and we now have 66 Y12 mentors. The pupils responded really positively to the tasks and activities. All tasks and questions and activities generated such rich and honest conversations and they came up with a brilliant vision of what they wanted the programme to look like at our school.  What I wasn't expecting was that the training day would also provide pastoral support and development for the Y12 pupils.”

Dominique Jones, Senior Mental Health Lead, Dame Alice Owens

Huntingdon Logo
“The work of our ambassadors has had a hugely positive effect and has genuinely made a difference to young lives. They’ve become a well known and significant group and cause in the school community.”

Amy Tinson, School Support Leader, Huntingdon School (York) 

Tiverton School Logo
"The student ambassadors have some fantastic ideas around raising awareness and supporting students to get help and support. It’s lovely to be part of something which will impact current and future students."

Nicola Lane, Assistant Head of Student Wellbeing, Tiverton High School

Chase Academy Logo
“As mental health lead at Chase Terrace Academy I am extremely proud of the hard work our student Wellbeing Ambassadors have put into our mental health provision already and I am extremely excited to see how they develop over the next academic year”

Hayley Powell, Assistant Head Teacher, Chase Terrace Academy

Burley Oaks Primary School Logo
“The wellbeing ambassadors program has been really good for us and it's worked really well, when we've got something special coming up like World Mental Health Day, or Children's Mental Health Week, We've got a team already there who are on it, and we can get things organized and they they really, really enjoy it.”

Georgina Walker, Wellbeing Co–ordinator, Burley Oaks Primary

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Behind The Scenes

Take a sneak peak behind the scenes of Wellbeing Ambassadors and see how it works.

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Purchase your Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme Today!

Empower young people in your school or setting to make a REAL difference to their peers' wellbeing.
Join our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme by simply choosing your payment option below.

Specialist Support

3-year access to everything at Practitioner Level, plus first cohort of Ambassadors is delivered by one of our Consultancy team.


Travel +VAT

Enquire Now

Practitioner Programme

3-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit, ongoing Support and Case Study Examples.



Join Now

Workshop Delivery Kit

1-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit.



Access Now

Specialist Support

3-year access to everything at Practitioner Level, plus first cohort of Ambassadors is delivered by one of our Consultancy team.


Travel +VAT

Enquire Now

Practitioner Programme

3-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit, ongoing Support and Case Study Examples.



Join Now

Workshop Delivery Kit

1-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit.



Access Now

Are you a Health or Local Authority Commissioner, Organisation or Multi-Academy Trust looking to offer this programme to a number of settings?

We can support you to deliver or develop a peer-to-peer wellbeing programme in your group of schools or settings.

Enquire Now
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Why is the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme Worth-it?

Worth-it have been supporting the prevention of mental health problems in children and young people for over a decade. Over 5000 children and young people have participated in our programmes for early prevention.

Worth-it believe (and research tells us) that co-produced, and voice-led approaches to wellbeing development are the most powerful and effective way to enable the prevention of mental health problems in children and young people. Find out how the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme meets our organisational values...


We believe in providing resources and programmes that create a real and sustainable change. That is why we provide you with all the materials you need to run this programme in your school or setting with cohorts of young people, year after year.


Our programme has been developed by a team of positive psychologists and coaches utilising up-to-date research and practice. Research and evidence tell us that peer-led initiatives are the most effective for the early prevention of mental health problems in young people. Three-year access enables you to access updates as new research and effective practice emerges.


This programme has evolved from extensive partnership work with, schools, early prevention and CAMHS teams with a range of NHS services and local authorities nationally.


Most importantly, Wellbeing Ambassadors has been developed with and for children and young people. Taking on their ideas and feedback enables our programmes to meet their needs.

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Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme Leads

Liz Robson

Liz Robson

CEO & Founder

Liz is the CEO, Founder and Creative Director at Worth-it and is a leading Positive Psychologist and Educator. She has been developing evidence-based, co-produced early prevention programmes for young people within schools, the NHS and local authorities for over 13 years.

Kim Carr

Kim Carr

Area Lead Consultant, UK Midlands & North

Kim is a qualified Positive Psychology Practitioner, combining her knowledge of applied positive psychology in schools with 10 years’ experience teaching psychology, extensive experience of secondary school leadership and a great passion for developing school mental health and wellbeing.

Claire Harrison

Claire Harrison

Project Lead, SEN Lead Consultant

Claire is an experienced school leader with a specialism in the field of inclusion and additional needs. She has worked across all phases as well as in a number of settings; independent, specialist, comprehensive, single-sex and mixed.

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Complete Online Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme Delivery Toolkit and More!!

Not only does our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme provide your school or setting with everything needed to deliver the programme, year after year, it also provides ongoing support and practical examples for the programme facilitators.

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What Others Are Saying

Obviously we know our programmes are awesome!
But it’d be silly to just take our word for it, check out what real schools and settings are saying about us…

Wellbeing Ambassadors TestimonialTiverton School Wellbeing Ambassador Success StoryBurntwood School Wellbeing Ambassador Success Story
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I access funding to pay for the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme?
How long does the Wellbeing Ambassadors programme take to deliver?
I’m not 100% sure what the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme is or if it's right for me, do you offer a trial so I can test it out?
Can Worth-it train our group of Wellbeing Ambassadors for us in our school or setting?
Do you have any examples of other schools or settings that have run a Wellbeing Ambassadors project?
We aren’t a school but are really interested in the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme, is it suitable for us?
What happens if a member of staff that has access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme leaves our school or setting or changes role?
What do you mean by three-year access?
How many young people is the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme for?
How do I know this will help young people’s mental health and wellbeing?
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Who is this for?

Schools or settings that want to:

  • Empower children or young people to develop positive mental health and wellbeing.

  • Enable children young people to make a real difference in supporting their peers.

  • Develop children and young people’s autonomy and competence to lead wellbeing support.

  • Improve access to mental health support and prevent young people developing mental health problems.

  • Provide clear boundaries and expectations about the role and remit of the peer support.

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Who is this not for?

Schools or settings that:

  • Are looking for a quick fix.

  • Will be very directive and leading.

  • Have their own agenda that they are wanting young people to action for them.

  • Are not willing to listen to or take on board young people’s ideas, feedback or suggestions.

  • Are expecting children or young people to take on too much responsibility for other people’s mental health.

  • Are expecting children or young people to run the programme themselves with little or no ongoing support or encouragement.

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Is it time to run a Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme in your School or Setting?

Are you ready to empower young people in your school or setting to make a REAL difference to their peer’s wellbeing. Join our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme by choosing your payment option below.

Specialist Support

3-year access to everything at Practitioner Level, plus first cohort of Ambassadors is delivered by one of our Consultancy team.

  • 3-year access to everything at Practitioner Level, plus first cohort of Ambassadors is delivered by one of our Consultancy team.

  • + Everything in Workshop Delivery Kit

  • 1st cohort of your Ambassadors trained by one of our team of specialist consultations

  • 3-year access for 2 Facilitators

  • Termly hotline drop-in calls

  • Library of previous Q&A calls

  • Library of practice examples

  • Opportunity to become a Spotlight School or Setting

  • Hardcopy Ambassador Workbooks for your first cohort of 16


+ Travel +VAT*

Enquire Now

Practitioner Programme

3-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit, ongoing Support and Case Study Examples.

  • + Everything in Workshop Delivery Kit

  • Termly hotline drop-in calls

  • Library of previous Q&A calls

  • Library of case study examples

  • Opportunity to become a Spotlight School or Setting

  • Discount to purchase hardcopy Ambassador Workbooks



Join Now

Workshop Delivery Kit

1-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit.

  • 1 year Access for 1 Facilitator

  • 2 hour online Facilitator Course

  • Facilitator Manual

  • Workshop games and activities

  • Downloadable Children’s Ambassador Workbook

  • Getting Started Programme Resources



Access Now

Specialist Support

3-year access to everything at Practitioner Level, plus first cohort of Ambassadors is delivered by one of our Consultancy team.

  • + Everything in Workshop Delivery Kit

  • 1st cohort of your Ambassadors trained by one of our team of specialist consultations

  • 3-year access for 2 Facilitators

  • Termly hotline drop-in calls

  • Library of previous Q&A calls

  • Library of practice examples

  • Opportunity to become a Spotlight School or Setting

  • Hardcopy Ambassador Workbooks for your first cohort of 16


+ Travel +VAT*

Enquire Now

Practitioner Programme

3-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit, ongoing Support and Case Study Examples.

  • + Everything in Workshop Delivery Kit

  • Termly hotline drop-in calls

  • Library of previous Q&A calls

  • Library of case study examples

  • Opportunity to become a Spotlight School or Setting

  • Discount to purchase hardcopy Ambassador Workbooks



Join Now

Workshop Delivery Kit

1-year access to the Wellbeing Ambassadors Downloadable Workshop Delivery Kit.

  • 1 year Access for 1 Facilitator

  • 2.5 online Facilitator Course

  • Facilitator Manual

  • Workshop games and activities

  • Downloadable Ambassador Workbook

  • Getting Started Programme Resources



Access Now

*Enquire to find out availability and travel costs

Are you a Health or Local Authority Commissioner, Organisation or Multi-Academy Trust looking to offer this programme to a number of settings?

We can support you to deliver or develop a peer-to-peer wellbeing programme in your group of schools or settings.

Enquire Now
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Enquire Now

If you need further information about this programme, please contact us via the form below for a swift response.

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Teacher talking to group of peer wellbeing ambassadors in a school classroom

Evaluating the Future of the Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme in Your School

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