Partnering with Health & Local Authority Commissioners

We work in partnership with health and local authority commissioners’ to provide evidence-based programmes for developing positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience in children and young people.

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Working in Partnership with
Commissioners Nationwide

We're proud to have worked on many exciting projects with our wonderful partners, including:

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Introduction to Prevention Programmes

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Delivering Wellbeing Support for Groups of Schools, Local Settings and Partner Organisations

Our range of specialist support provides effective early intervention and prevention of mental health problems in children and young people. We partner with local authorities and health commissioners across the UK to increase local capacity to meet the wellbeing needs of children and young people.

Children at a wellbeing workshop

School Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing

We specialise in providing practical, evidence-based approaches to improve school mental health and wellbeing for staff and pupils.
We are a DfE assured provider of Senior Mental Health Lead training.

Our online early intervention programmes are delivered nationally with local authority partners to develop localised packages of wellbeing training and support for groups of schools.

We work with the NHS, CCG's and local authority commissioners to deliver wellbeing for education recovery programmes with groups of schools

A group of young students communicating

Co-production with Children and Young People

We are experts in participatory approaches to co-production with children and young people. Using their voice to inform the delivery and development of effective early intervention and mental health problem prevention.

Our partnership projects with local authority and health commissioners have included child and adolescent voice led approaches to, developing community mental health services, improving school wellbeing, peer mentoring, young person led mental health campaigns, and large scale school based mental health anti stigma programmes.

A group of teaching staff at a staff wellbeing workshop

Workforce Development with the Children and Young People’s Sector

We provide a range of online training programmes, workshops and support programmes for health, local authority, education sectors and children’s organisations.

We develop and deliver training programmes that upskill the children’s workforce to improve children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

We have trained School Mental Health Leads (SMHL), School Leaders, Teacher and school staff, Youth Workers and Children and Community Public Health Nurses. These have included large scale children’s workforce development programmes for public health, and education commissioners.

A one-to-one student support session

Early Intervention for the Prevention of Children’s Mental Health Problems

We develop specialised, evidence-based, early prevention programmes that promote wellbeing and resilience in children and young people.

We are pioneers of the use of Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) to help the prevention of mental health problems in at-risk young people. Using PPC as an intervention to help young people develop resilience and wellbeing and prevent the development of common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

We specialise in developing whole school approaches to wellbeing using applied positive psychology, organisational psychology and coaching to increase school capacity to develop embedded positive mental health and wellbeing

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Specialist Areas of Partnership Work

Training and CPD

Delivering mental health and wellbeing training and CPD for schools, settings, parents and practitioners.

Ongoing Support

Providing ongoing support to implement and embed wellbeing training within schools or local community settings.

Education Recovery

Supporting education for wellbeing recovery programme nationally through partnership work with commissioners

Voice-led Co-production

Developing and delivering co-produced child and young person led mental health and wellbeing services and support.

Wellbeing and Resilience

Providing support in partnership with commissioners that helps children and young people to builds resilience and prevent mental health problems developing.

Increasing Local Capacity

Working in partnership with local service providers such as Mental Health Support Teams, NHS, CAMHS, Early Help Teams, Educational Psychologists, and the voluntary sector.

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What Evidence Underpins Worth-it’s Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing?

Our Whole School Approach

Our whole school system for positive mental health offers a step-by-step process, enabling you to audit, plan and take action in developing your whole school approach.

Developed for Positive Psychology, organisational psychology, and practical experience of working with schools for 12 years. Our system framework helps schools and college figure our their unique starting point for developing whole school wellbeing that supports all pupils, staff and the school community.

Worth-it Whole school approach diagram
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Positive Education

Positive education is the science of wellbeing applied in educational settings.

Worth-it are a leading provider of Positive Education in the UK. We base all our programmes on the SEARCH Pathways to Wellbeing (Waters and Loton, 2019). SEARCH provides a proven and evidence-based framework that supports schools to plan implement, develop and embed sustainable approaches to developing whole school wellbeing.

Coaching Psychology

Coaching Psychology is the evidence-based approach to using coaching to improve wellbeing, performance, and success. Coaching has been proven to be the most effective leadership and development tool within the education sector.

We use positive psychology coaching to support schools, commissioners and practitioners develop and implement our early prevention programmes that support children and young people. Coaching is important to us as we are not prescriptive in our approach.  We believe in empowering schools, practitioners and partners to take the theories, tools, techniques and approaches to developing wellbeing and make them their own. This has been demonstrated to be the most effective way of working for creating a sustained and embedded change to early prevention.

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Commissioner Testimonials

Tameside Council Logo
“I have been particularly impressed with how Worth-It co-produced the co-production process with children and young people, and how they have enabled the language used by children and young people to shape how the offer will be developed. Furthermore, Worth-it have worked with us with tight deadlines; they have been flexible, creative and approachable throughout. I look forward to our continued work with them.”

Charlotte Lee, Population Health Programme Manager, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

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Programmes we Provide in Partnership with Commissioners

We specialise in working in partnership the NHS, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG's) and Local Authorities to increase localised capacity to prevent the development of mental health problems in children and young people.

A group of young students outside of a school

Support for Children and Young People

Our range of coaching, workshops and early prevention programmes delivered in partnership with commissioners support children and young people to learn strategies for wellbeing and resilience.

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A group of young students communicating

Peer-to-Peer Support

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme enables partner organisations establish and support an empowered team of young people that will be the leaders of wellbeing initiatives that provide early mental health support for their peers.

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A Staff Training Session

Staff Training and CPD

Our online training for staff teams of practitioners, such as teachers, nurses and key workers. Increases their capacity and skills to support children and young people's to develop strategies for positive mental health and wellbeing.

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Programmes Developed for Commissioners

Coach Training

Train as a coach and support young people to develop resilience and wellbeing


Wellbeing Toolkit

Train your team to apply strategies for wellbeing with children and young people


Wellbeing Ambassadors

Help your young people support peer wellbeing


Contact us to discuss your requirements

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Examples and Case Studies

Mental Health Champions - York School Wellbeing Service

Mental Health Champions - York School Wellbeing Service

The City of York Council commissioned Worth-it Positive Education CIC to work in partnership with the School Wellbeing Service to develop a peer support programme, to provide young person led early intervention and prevention within different settings including schools and colleges. This project was known as Mental Health Champions (MHC) and was developed and delivered in schools across York.

Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme - Train-the-trainer

Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme - Train-the-trainer

In 2018, Worth-it Positive Education CIC was commissioned to develop and deliver a train the trainer programme of our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme in partnership with Bedford Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and local schools. Key members of staff, such as CAMHS school link and early help team from the local authority, were trained to train peer mentors within schools.


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Introduction to Coaching Young People

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Girl hanging on the side of the swimming pool looking unhappy

Understanding opportunities for prevention in schools

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Training Youth Workers to Coach Young People

Find out more about the impact of Worth-it’s coach training from people who’ve had it and use it every day in their work with young people.

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