Free Wellbeing Resources

Wellbeing Resource Hub

Below you can find guides, free mental health resources, wellbeing activities, and online mental health and wellbeing training to help prevent mental health problems from developing in the children and young people you work with.

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Free Wellbeing Resources

Children's wellbeing activities from positive psychology designed on a leaflet
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Wellbeing Leaflet for Schools

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Wellbeing booklet front cover with text Worth-it Guide
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Wellbeing Activity Booklet

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Image of positive Mental Health Poster poster download
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Mental Health Poster for Schools

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Image of the senior mental health lead job description brochure
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Senior Mental Health Lead Role Overview

Front cover of the Wellbeing Ambassadors' impact report
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Wellbeing Ambassadors Impact Report

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Image of front cover of Worth-it's Wellbeing Ambassadors cheat sheet
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Wellbeing Ambassadors Cheat Sheet

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Latest Practice Examples

Dame Alice Owen's School

Wellbeing Ambassadors - Peer Mentors for Year 7 Transition

Dame Alice Owen’s school in Hertfordshire, trained 70 Sixth Form students to be peer mentors and support year seven with the transition to secondary school and prevent mental health issues. Their Wellbeing Ambassadors programme has had a huge impact in supporting students to belong at school.

Hazlehurst Community Primary

Primary School Wellbeing and Positive Education

Anne Marie Knowles, headteacher and senior mental health lead at Hazlehurst primary school in Bury, Greater Manchester – and one of Wellbeing Club’s founding members – shares how being a member and using our training and recourses have helped them to how there are provide their own early prevention provision.


Training a Team of Youth Coaches for Early Intervention, South Wales

The mental health and social change charity, Platfform, commissioned to deliver coach training to their staff in Autumn last year (2021). We trained a group of 12 Platfform team members over 8 weeks and have recently spoken with Sarah Hamilton, Young Person’s Project Manager at Platfform, to find out how the coach training has impacted the work they do.

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Wellbeing and Mental Health Guides

November 17, 2023

Mental Health Early Intervention and Prevention in Schools Everything You Need to Know

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November 9, 2022

Senior Mental Health Lead Training Everything You Need to Know

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January 4, 2024

Wellbeing in Schools Everything You Need to Know

Read Guide
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Helpful Wellbeing Videos

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Curated Wellbeing Pinterest Boards

September 2, 2021

School Wellbeing

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September 2, 2021

Senior Mental Health Lead Training & Support

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September 2, 2021

SEARCH Wellbeing Pathways

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