DfE Assured Course and Programme for Beginner SMHLs

Developing whole school wellbeing is confusing and can feel overwhelming for many Senior Mental Health Leads, especially those who are new to the role. There can be a lack of consistency and clarity around what to do and how to do it – this can result in over-delivery in one area, for example, pupil social awareness, and a lack in others e.g., staff development and awareness.

Introducing Worth-it's Wellbeing Club

Worth-it are delighted and proud to announce that our Wellbeing Club has been quality assured by the Department for Education as training provided for Senior Mental Health Leads.

Wellbeing Club Logo
SMHL Wellbeing Club

Our approach to working with schools and colleges recognises the complexities of each aspect or element involved in developing mental health and wellbeing. We apply a systems approach to supporting schools and colleges develop wellbeing and positive mental health.

This has been created from the government recommended 8 principles and integrated with applied positive psychology strategies, proven to develop the wellbeing and protect the mental health of children and young people.

Why do we use a systems approach? In a system there are interconnections between each element: it is important to understand how they interact with each other and as a whole. Using this approach within a school or college means there's no wrong place to start.

It is also efficient and effective, changing a few things in one area can have a big effect to the wellbeing of the whole system and everyone in it.

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Whole School Approach to Developing Mental Health and Wellbeing

Joining Wellbeing Club helps Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads learn HOW to develop a whole-school approach. This approach helps you move beyond just learning what you should be doing and feel confident to actually put your plans into action. This means you can make a big difference to all your pupils, staff and the whole school community. See this example of a school that applied this approach.

Department for Education Assured training for Senior Mental Health Leads 

DfE assured course for senior mental health leads
DfE approved course for Senior Mental Health Leads

Wellbeing Club membership for 12 months access to on-demand, training resources and support so you can jump straight in to developing your school's approach to mental health and wellbeing.

We specialise in helping with the HOW, providing you with lots of practical tools, information, resources and support to make wellbeing part of core business in your school.

When you join Wellbeing Club you can access:

  • Library of Online Training – In-depth on-demand training you can do anytime, with new courses added every term, helping you feel confident to lead your whole school approach all mapped to the learning outcomes for SMHL's
  • SMHL Training- Training in how to review, plan and develop your culture of mental health and wellbeing
  • Wellbeing Curriculum Resources and Training – how to develop a cross-curricular approach to teaching wellbeing that benefits the mental health of all children and young people
  • Regular CPD Workshops – Practical, regular online workshops to explore key areas of developing a whole school approach to positive mental health and wellbeing. 
  • Toolkits – Resources that enable you to deliver mini programmes, workshops, staff CPD and interventions that support pupils and staff wellbeing aligned to the DfE recommended learning outcomes for Senior Mental Health Leads. 
  • Examples  – of effective practice from schools within the network and opportunity to share your effective practice and celebrate success with other schools. 
  • Consultancy – half-termly drop-in calls, means you can access feedback and encouragement as you worth through the wellbeing club programme.
  • Online Coaching- coaching action plans help you plan and prioritise your goals and plans for school mental health and wellbeing gaining personalised feedback from our team of qualified coaches and consultants.
  • Facebook Community – providing peer-to-peer networking opportunities. No need to wait, you can join our free Facebook community today here.

What to do to access the DfE grant funding to pay for Wellbeing Club 

Schools and colleges are now being encouraged, by the DfE, to BOOK courses. The funding is NOW OPEN. You can apply for your SMHL course grant funding here. Providing you meet eligibility criteria stipulated by the DfE) you will be guaranteed the ability to claim back £1,200 to cover the costs of the course and support the lead.

It is the DfE's ambition that all state schools in England complete the SMHL Training by 2025.

Funding is still available to claim up to December 2024 and training must be booked by January 2025!

Latest updates from the DfE (May 2024)

From 11 October 2021, schools and colleges were invited to apply for a senior mental health lead training grant and up to 31 March 2024, 16,700 schools and colleges had successfully claimed a grant. The 16,700 settings that have claimed a grant represent 70% of the total number of settings that were eligible to apply and means that DfE has spent £20.0m in grants.

From 8 October 2023, schools and colleges where a trained senior mental health lead had left their setting since completing their training were entitled to claim a second grant to train a new senior mental health lead. Up to 31 March 2024, 1,410 schools and colleges had claimed a second grant.

Nationally, more than seven in ten state-funded schools and colleges (74%) had completed their application for a senior mental health lead training grant by 31st March 2024 (DfE 2024).

You will need to apply for the grant and gain confirmation that you have been approved to have a grant. Then if you know which course you would like to do and it is on the approved quality assured list feel confident to go ahead and book. You can now confirm your eligibility and reserve a grant for the 24-25 financial year by completing this form, and then proceed to book your place on our Wellbeing Club. Join our FREE funding information session to find out even more.

How to apply for the DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Training Grant
How to apply for the SMHL Training Grant

What is the eligibility criteria for the DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Grant?

Only state schools in England will be eligible to access the DfE funding: it will not apply to independent schools.

Your school must also have made a commitment to prioritising mental health and developing a whole school approach.

You must have identified a member of staff who will be your Senior Mental Health Lead although they can be new in post. You may need to develop a job description for a SMHL to clarify the responsibilities and duties a SMHL will undertake.

Also consider when making your application that only School Mental Health leads who are SLT, or Mental Health Leads who work closely with SLT to develop and influence whole school wellbeing and mental health at a strategic level, will be eligible to get their place on a course funded by the DfE grant.

Find out more about the DfE grant SMHL grant funding eligibility criteria.

Senior Mental Health Leads are now able to book their chosen course directly with the relevant training provider. You may be struggling to choose the right SMHL course for you, you will be unable to claim the grant funding without choosing and booking your SMHL course or programme.

You will have needed to have chosen and booked your course in order to claim back your funding. If you need help choosing a course you may find this SMHL course selection video helpful. This will help you navigate the courses available on the DfE quality assured list and select the one that most closely meets your needs. Obviously, we would like you to choose our Wellbeing Club, here is where to find out more.

Claiming back the SMHL grant funding

To claim the grant funding you will need to complete a second stage grant form to make the claim and when requested from the DfE submit your evidence of course booking and your course code our course for beginner SMHL's is SMHL033.

biggerOnce this is received the DfE will pay you the funding either directly to your school or via the local authority. Join our FREE funding information session to find out more about the funding process.

Want to join Wellbeing Club?

Want to learn more about our approach to developing school wellbeing access our Introduction to Whole School Wellbeing Webinar.

That is fantastic, we can't wait for you to join us in our supportive and helpful Wellbeing Club.

Click here find out more. We hope you can join us soon!

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